Overview of basic indicators
- Table 2.1 - Utilised agricultural area of holdings by category
- Table 2.2 - Arable land
- Table 2.3 - Area under cereals and pulses
- Table 2.4 - Area under industrial crops
- Table 2.5 - Area under vegetables, melons and strawberries
- Table 2.6 - Area under fodder crops
- Table 2.7 - Orchiards and vineyards
- Table 2.8 - Area under fruit kinds
- Table 4.1 - Number of livestock - by species, as on 30 September 2023
- Table 4.2 - Number of bee hives, as on 30 September 2023
- Table 5.1 - Members and regularly employed labour force at family holding, by sex
- Table 5.2 - Members and regularly employed labour force at holding, by sex and legal status of holding
- Table 5.3 - Holdings by other gainful activities related to holding
- Table 5.4 - Managers at holdings
- Table 5.5 - Annual work units of labour force engaged in agriculture
- Table 6.1 - Two-axle tractors by power and age.